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BIOVISION Live-Dead Cell Staining Kit

  • 更新時間:  2023-07-25
  • 產品型號:  K501-100
  • 簡單描述
  • BIOVISION Live-Dead Cell Staining Kit

BIOVISION Live-Dead Cell Staining Kit

BioVision的活-死細胞染色試劑盒提供了即用型試劑來方便地區分死細胞和活細胞。本染色試劑盒利用Live-Dye染料來對活細胞染色,這是一種能穿透細胞的綠色熒光染料(Ex/Em = 488/518 nm)。死細胞可以簡單的用碘化吡啶(PI)染色,一種不能透過細胞膜的紅色熒光染料(Ex/Em = 488/615)。染上色的活細胞和死細胞通過使用了濾光片(檢測FITC和羅丹明)的熒光顯微鏡可以直接從視覺上區分開來。本試劑盒提供的試劑可以在24孔板上染色100次。

BIOVISION Live-Dead Cell Staining Kit


Kit Summary: 
? Detection method- Fluorescent microscopy (Ex/Em 488/518 nm) to detect staines live cells; (Ex/Em 488/615) to detect stained dead cells
? Sample type- Cell culture (adherent and suspension cells)
? Species reactivity- Mammalian
? Applications- Stained live and dead cells can easily be visualized by fluorescence microscopy.

Features & Benefits: 
? Simple procedure; takes less than 20 minutes
? Fast and convenient

Kit components: 
? Solution A (1 mM Live-Dye)
? Solution B (2.5 mg/ml PI)
? Staining Buffer

Distinguishing between live and dead cells is very important for investigation of growth control and cell death. The Live-Dead Cell Staining Kit provides the ready-to-use reagents for convenient discrimination between live and dead cells. The kit utilizes Live-Dye?, a cell-permeable green fluorescent dye (Ex/Em = 488/518 nm), to stain live cells. Dead cells can be easily stained by propidium iodide (PI), a cell non-permeable red fluorescent dye (Ex/Em = 488/615). Stained live and dead cells can be visualized by fluorescence microscopy using a band-pass filter (detects FITC and rhodamine). The kit provides sufficient reagents for 100 stainings using 24-well plate.

Storage Conditions: 

Shipping Conditions: 
gel pack

USAGE: For Research Use Only! Not For Use in Humans.

Biovision活死細胞雙染試劑盒Live-Dead Cell Staining Kit


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