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GIBCO血清替代品KnockOut Serum Replacement(KSR)10828-028

  • 更新時間:  2023-07-26
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  • 簡單描述
  • GIBCO血清替代品KnockOut Serum Replacement(KSR)10828-028
    KnockOut™ 血清替代物 (KnockOut™ Serum Replacement) (Knockout™ SR) 是成分確定的無血清制劑,適合未分化 ES 細胞培養物的生長和維持 (1)。 可直接替代現有方案中的 FBS。 與 Knockout™ D-MEM 一起使用時,Knockout

GIBCO血清替代品KnockOut Serum Replacement(KSR)10828-028

KnockOut™ 血清替代物 (KnockOut™ Serum Replacement) (Knockout™ SR) 是成分確定的無血清制劑,適合未分化 ES 細胞培養物的生長和維持 (1)。 可直接替代現有方案中的 FBS。 與 Knockout™ D-MEM 一起使用時,Knockout™ SR 的性能將得到增強。 通過評估產品在滅活的小鼠胚胎成纖維細胞上支持未分化 D3 ES 細胞群生長的能力來驗證其性能。

GIBCO血清替代品KnockOut Serum Replacement(KSR)10828-028


Gibco™ KnockOut™ Serum Replacement (KnockOut™ SR) is a more defined, FBS-free medium supplement that supports the growth of pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) cultured on fibroblast feeder cells. Designed to replace fetal bovine serum (FBS) in existing protocols, this serum replacement has been trusted by many for almost 20 years. Providing the documents required for regulatory review, KnockOut SR reduces your burden in qualifying reagents when transitioning from research applications to clinical applications. If you are interested in only basic research applications, see the Research Use Only version of this product to ensure that you receive the benefits and pricing that fit your needs.

With KnockOut Serum Replacement, you can:
• Culture feeder-dependent PSCs with confidence
• Rely on the improved performance of a qualified, FBS-free formulation
• Enjoy the peace of mind of having a more stable price and supply compared to FBS

Culture PSCs with confidence
KnockOut SR has been cited in more than 2000 publications. It has been shown to support feeder-dependent culture of embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). It has also been shown to support reprogramming, embryoid body (EB) formation, in vitro differentiation, cryopreservation, ESC derivation, and many other applications.



Cell Type:Stem Cells (Embryonic)
Product Size:500 mL
Green Features:Fewer resources used, Less waste
Shipping Condition:

Dry Ice





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